Our Services & Programs

Today, Washington is home to the highest population of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders in the U.S., outside of Hawai’i and California. As such, PICA-WA works in various regions of Washington providing no cost support services and programs to engage and support Pacific Islander communities across the state.

Service Regions

Western Washington

Home to one of the largest Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (NH/PI) communities in the United States.
Our Polynesian, Micronesian, and Melanesian communities first made Western Washington their home 200 years ago and have continued to build home here on Coast Salish land. More than half of the state’s NH/PI population have made Snohomish, King, Pierce and Thurston counties their home away from home. The oldest Pasifika church institutions are all in Western Washington.

Southwest Washington

Southwest Washington has a unique history of being a suburb of Portland and has attracted a large portion of our NH/PI communities who often travel into Portland for employment and return home to SW Washington where they have settled due to more accessible housing.
While our Southwest Washington NH/PI communities are made up of our diverse Pacific Islander communities, our Chuukese community from the Federated States of Micronesia have built large networks and made Clark and Cowlitz County their home away from home.

Eastern Washington

Spokane County in Eastern Washington is home to the second largest Marshallese population in the U.S. continent, second only to Arkansas
It is also home to many of our Chuukese, Samoan and Native Hawaiian families as well. Spokane County has seen the exponential growth of our NH/PI population, who have emigrated to there due to employment opportunities. Existing barriers to healthcare and lack of insurance enrollment continues to drive negative consequences that our local community currently suffers.

What We Offer

Cultural Weavers

Elders engagement program providing space for social connection, cultural practice, and healthy wellbeing.
Region: Western WA

Pasifika Food Networks

Food distribution program aiming to supplement our families facing food insecurity.
Region: Western, SW WA

Pasifika Village Council

Coalition of Pacific Islander leaders across the state leading advocacy efforts on behalf of our communities.
Region: Statewide

Wellness Navigation

Direct support in navigating systems and accessing services to address social determinants of health.
Region: Western, SW, Eastern WA

Youth Navigation

Services and in-house programs to help our young people get set up for a healthy, positive, and culturally-grounded future.
Region: Western, SW WA

Other As-needed Services:

🔔 Office Closure Reminder

We will be closed from June 5th to June 12th for a Pasifika Wellness Week. We have been given the opportunity for many of our PICA staff to attend the FESTPAC Celebration in Honolulu, Hawai’i during this time.  
For PICA, this week is a time to honor our cultures, our communities and each other. Our vision as an agency is to live out the values of Pasifika that center our community power, while affirming our ways of life.  FESTPAC is in direct alignment of PICA’s goal of furthering the wellness of our communities in physical, cultural, socially and spiritual approaches. It is in this framework that our presence will be made in addition to celebrating our history and receiving culturally relevant/culturally specific trainings, workshops, and much more.


If you are in need of emergency support during this time, please call 211. Otherwise, you may fill out our referral form here and our team will follow up with you as soon as possible upon our return. You may also leave us a message or voicemail at contact@picawa.org / (206) 686-5221.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!